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  • 403rd Wing announces October enlisted promotions

    Airman 1st ClassEmily A. Burrowes, 403rd Operations Support SquadronChristina A. Hayes, 41 Aerial Port SquadronNarquita M. Tyler, 403rd Logistics Readiness Squadron Senior AirmanLayla A. Aliifua, 36th Aeromedical Evacuation SquadronDiAngelo S. Lore, 403rd Maintenance SquadronXenia M. Sam, 41st

  • Wing announces September enlisted promotions

    The 403rd Wing congratulates the following Reserve Citizen Airmen who were promoted for September 2022.AirmanHaleigh L. Battiste, 403rd Force Support SquadronDiamond L. Veals, 41st Aerial Port Squadron Airman 1st ClassNicholas J. Andrews, 803rd Aircraft Maintenance SquadronCharles W. Murray III,

  • Wing announces July enlisted promotions

    The 403rd Wing congratulates the following Reserve Citizen Airmen who were promoted for July 2022.AirmanTyzia L. Goodwin, 36th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron Airman 1st ClassSavannah L. Burke, 41st Aerial Port SquadronBrittney L. Coleman, 403rd Maintenance GroupClinton A. Hall, 403rd Communications

  • 403rd Wing announces April enlisted promotions

    The 403rd Wing congratulates the following enlisted Reserve Citizen Airmen who were promoted for April 2022.AirmanZuri S. Vargas, 41st Aerial Port Squadron Airman 1st ClassAdrianna J. Nettles, 403rd Aeromedical Staging SquadronLetticia G. Nogueira 36th Aeromedical Evacuation SquadronTia M. Plant,

  • Wing announces November enlisted promotions

    The 403rd Wing congratulates the following Reserve Citizen Airmen who were promoted for November 2021. AirmanKennedy S. Brooks, 403rd Security Forces SquadronKris H. Maralit, 403rd SFSAdrianna J. Nettles, 403rd Aeromedical Staging Squadron Airman 1st ClassJames A. Felicianolugo, 403rd ASTSHannah E.

  • Wing announces June enlisted promotions

    The 403rd Wing congratulates the following Reserve Citizen Airmen who were promoted for June 2021. AirmanMalcolm S. Course, 36th Aeromedical Evacuation SquadronJames A. Felicianolugo, 403rd Aeromedical Staging SquadronJenna M. Hollis, 403rd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Senior AirmanChristopher D.

  • Congratulations on our May promotions

    The 403rd Wing congratulates the following Reserve Citizen Airmen who were promoted for May 2021. AirmanSharissa M. Tittle, 36th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron Airman 1st ClassJames R. Brown, 403rd Maintenance SquadronJacob A. Hammond, 403rd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Senior AirmanRoy K Johnson,

  • 403rd Wing announces March promotions

    The 403rd Wing congratulates the following Reserve Citizen Airmen who were promoted for March 2021.Senior AirmanClayton M. Bryant, 41st Aerial Port SquadronJamya M. Chism, 403rd Security Forces SquadronLaura N. Clary, 403rd Maintenance SquadronTaylor C. Ervingrobinson, 403rd SFSDayton J. Gillan,

  • 403rd Wing announces August promotions

    The 403rd Wing congratulates the following Reserve Citizen Airmen who were promoted for August 2020.Senior Airman- Zachary E. Baugh, 403rd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron- Joseph C. Defillo, 403rd Maintenance Squadron- Elizabeth Demoran, 403rd MXS- Carson A. Fambro, 403rd MXS- Christopher J. Grace,