Base tours are conducted on a limited basis due to our manning, resource availability and heightened security posture. A tour request does not guarantee a tour will be approved. All scheduled tours are subject to cancellation based on emergency situations, worldwide commitments, real world events, etc.
Tours will be conducted on a noninterference basis only. Public Affairs is required to ensure there is minimal interference with normal training or operational activities, determine if it is economically feasible, and make sure appropriate resources are available.
Requests for tours must be made 30 days in advance, but since we are only able to accommodate two tours per month, more than 30 days notice may be required to secure a slot. No tours will be given on weekends or federal holidays. We also cannot accommodate tours to visit the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron "Hurricane Hunters" from June 1-Nov. 30 due to mission requirements.
Tours are free of charge.
Priority scheduling will be given to Junior ROTC students and other youth groups serving high-school-age students with a recruitment potential. Civic and business organizations are also welcome to request tours to the 403rd Wing.
Since limitations of time and money make it impossible to grant all requests, public affairs will take all appropriate requests into equal consideration and recommend approval based on common factors that are in the best interests of the Air Force and taxpayer.
Day care, elementary or middle-school-age groups are encouraged to request a speaker from our Speaker's Bureau program to schedule a multimedia presentation in their place of business.
Requests for tours to the 403rd Wing will be handled on a case-by-case basis, but typically the Public Affairs Office cannot accommodate personal tours for friends, family members or those stopping through on vacation, regardless of current or prior military service. However, if an individual has access to the base (a military or DOD civilian ID cardholder) one may visit Keesler Air Force Base.
If your group meets the criteria, please download the tour form here or go to our questions page and send it to For additional assistance in filling out the form please call 228-377-2056.