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  • Yellow Ribbon assists deployers, families

    The potential challenges faced during a service member’s deployment are endless and omnidirectional.Ranging from financial to emotional stressors and everything in between, there are many ways in which a six-, nine- or even 12-month absence from home can affect a service member and their family.The

  • Reservist chased a dream; now chases hurricanes

    Nearly three decades after the fact, U.S. Air Force 1st Lt. Amaryllis Cotto can still vividly remember Hurricane Andrew. The shrill screech of a woman screaming for her life outside.Windows breaking.Walls vibrating.Running across the street to seek shelter with neighbors as her own family’s house

  • 403rd LRS receives logistics effectiveness award for AFRC

    The 403rd Logistics Readiness Squadron at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., was recently recognized as the recipient of the Air Force Reserve Command Daedalian Maj. Gen. Warren G. Carter Logistics Effectiveness Award for 2021.The 403rd LRS is assigned to the 403rd Wing and is responsible for a wide

  • 403rd maintenance officer earns AFRC recognition

    Capt. Anthony E. Gehl, maintenance operations officer for the 403rd Maintenance Squadron at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., was recently recognized as the recipient of the Air Force Reserve Command’s Lt. Gen. Leo Marquez Award for the category of Aircraft Maintenance Company Grade Manager for

  • Ultrarunning: Reservist finds strength in strides

    When the word hobby comes to mind, activities like reading or video games or knitting or fishing or baking make their way to the surface. Activities that are relaxing, yet oftentimes somewhat productive, to counter the stress of everyday life.The Oxford dictionary defines the word hobby as an

  • New Comptroller Services Portal streamlines finance inquiries

    Airmen may have noticed in the past few weeks a new icon on their work desktop bearing a large, gold dollar sign.No, clicking that icon, the Comptroller Services Portal link, will not prompt sheets of crisp Benjamin Franklins to file out of the nearest printer, but it is there to streamline Military

  • Wing Inspection Team fosters unit effectiveness, readiness

    The 403rd Wing Inspector General Inspections office has a huge task with facilitating the commander’s inspection program, conducting exercises and validating the unit’s compliance in executing the mission, improving the unit, leading the people, and managing resources.They can’t do it without help,

  • Aeromedical evacuation specialist earns AFRC honors

    Master Sgt. Ryan McClellan, 36th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron clinical superintendent and AE specialist at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., was recently recognized for his work during 2020, receiving the Aeromedical Evacuation Crewmember Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Year Award for the Air