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  • Air Force Reserve recruiting recruiters

    Recruiters can leave a lasting impression on potential recruits. Twenty-six years later, Senior Master Sgt. Mark C. Shearin still remembers his recruiter, the man who prompted his future career choice.“I’ve always wanted to be a recruiter. When I joined the Army, I’ll never forget the shiny shoes my

  • Learning the language

    Moving can be a difficult experience for a child—leaving behind friends and family and starting over somewhere else isn’t easy … just ask Airman Zuri Vargas.At age 11, the 41st Aerial Port Squadron commander support staff personnel specialist, moved to Mississippi with her family from her native

  • Not-So-Undercover Boss: 36th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron

    Col. Stuart M. Rubio (standing right), 403rd Wing commander at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., and Col. LaDonna K. Schreffler (standing left), 36th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron commander, listen as 1st Lt. Caleb Hathorn, 36th AES, provides training for mechanical ventilation June 4, 2022. The 36th

  • 41st APS honors fallen; holds Port Dawg Memorial Run

    The 41st Aerial Port Squadron at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, held their second annual Port Dawg Memorial Run June 4.“This tradition started in 2011 when the Port Dawg community experienced the tragic loss of one of our brothers, Tech. Sgt. Curtis E. Eccleston,” said Senior Master Sgt.

  • 403rd Wing reservist earns Levitow Award

    Tech. Sgt. Dishau JeanJacques, 36th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron resource management noncommissioned officer in charge here, earned a distinction only a small percentage of Airmen can lay claim to when, upon her graduation from the Enlisted Professional Military Education Lankford Center’s NCO

  • Wing hosts Family Day fun

    The 403rd Wing Family Day celebration took place May 14 with more than 1,000 people in attendance at the fuel cell hangar here.  The wing had not held this event since spring of 2019, before the COVID-19 Pandemic began in early 2020."The last two years have been a challenge so this is such an

  • 101-year-old veteran promoted to major

    Fifty-five years after his retirement, World War II veteran Capt. Thomas Dewey Adams Jr., 101 years old, was granted an honorary promotion to major during a ceremony held at his home, April 29.Col. Stuart Rubio, 403rd Wing commander, presided over the ceremony held in Adams’s home.“It is important

  • Wing hosts Continuous Process Improvement, Innovation Training

    The 403rd Wing is continuously seeking new ways to innovate and accelerate change to improve processes and increase efficiency, especially in times of increasing requirements and decreasing resources.To educate wing leaders and spread awareness of Continuous Process Improvement and Innovation

  • Deadline for Hurricane Hunter Association Scholarship application Aug. 1

    The Hurricane Hunter Association (HHA) is awarding two Swan 38 Memorial Scholarships for the 2022 fall semester, and the deadline to apply is Aug. 1.The first place winner will receive $2,000 and second place will receive $1,000 for their undergraduate or graduate education.“Each year, the