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Tag: COVID-19
  • 2019 Novel Coronavirus Commander’s Intent

    15 March 2020MEMORANDUM FOR ALL AFRC HQ/AF/RE/NAF/WING/CC&CCC/ARPC/RIOFROM: AFRC/CCSUBJECT: 2019 Novel Coronavirus Commander’s IntentThe dynamic nature of COVID-19 evolving guidance makes providing precise and detailed planning difficult. Effective communication is paramount. My number one priority is to take care of Airmen and their families while
  • COVID-19: Important Information for Reserve Citizen Airmen

    In an effort to inform Reserve Citizen Airmen and their families with facts on COVID-19 effects, Air Force Reserve leaders encourage all to visit the Air Force’s COVID-19 web page for the latest on the virus and how it is effecting the service. The site contains the latest DoD and Air Force guidance, news, and links to helpful resources from the Centers for Disease Control, Department of State, Department of Defense, Department of Health and Human Services, travel advisories, frequently asked questions and answers, COVID-19 affected activities and gatherings, and health protection measures.
  • Is it the flu or is it coronavirus?

    It is easy to feel vulnerable because of news about the coronavirus outbreak. The name of this disease is coronavirus disease 2019, abbreviated as COVID-19. The symptoms of influenza (flu) and coronavirus infection are similar, but these two illnesses are caused by different viruses. People with the flu may jump to the conclusion that they have been exposed to COVID-19. However, it is important to keep things in perspective and avoid needless worry.