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  • 2021: 403rd Wing year in review

    Like last year, many people are still wondering when COVID-19 will go away; however, there was a bit of light in the 2021 tunnel of pandemic uncertainty. Rather than doing everything from home, many people returned to work, students went back to school, and people saw more of each other’s faces as

  • Wing recruiting Key Spouses

    Being a military spouse of an Air Force reservist can be rewarding, but it also has its challenges such as solo-parenting due to deployments or military service.This is something Megan Rubio knows a lot about as a military spouse and mother.Her husband, 403rd Wing Commander Col. Stuart M. Rubio,

  • Leaders serve Airmen lunch

    Col. Stuart M. Rubio, 403rd Wing commander, smiles as he hands food to an Airman at the Azalea Dining facility, Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi Mississippi, Dec. 4, 2021. 403rd Wing senior leaders served lunch to Airmen as a morale building event during the last 2021 UTA. (U.S. Air Force photo by

  • 403rd Wing 2021 Holiday message

    Wing and group leadership from the 403rd Wing share a message for the holiday season. (U.S. Air Force video by Staff Sgt. Kristen Pittman)

  • Hurricane Hunters wrap up 2021 season; brace for winter ops

    After a historically busy Atlantic hurricane season in 2020, the Air Force Reserve’s 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron Hurricane Hunters at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., were gifted a relative reprieve, though still an above average hurricane season this year.Today marked the end of the Atlantic

  • Wing announces November enlisted promotions

    The 403rd Wing congratulates the following Reserve Citizen Airmen who were promoted for November 2021. AirmanKennedy S. Brooks, 403rd Security Forces SquadronKris H. Maralit, 403rd SFSAdrianna J. Nettles, 403rd Aeromedical Staging Squadron Airman 1st ClassJames A. Felicianolugo, 403rd ASTSHannah E.

  • Current Operations

    Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee, chief of the Air Force Reserve and commander of the Air Force Reserve Command, and Chief Master Sgt. Timothy White,  Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chief of Air Force Reserve and Command Chief Master Sergeant of Air Force Reserve Command, update our Reserve Citizen Airmen on

  • 403rd Wing to beta test new UTA schedule

    The 403rd Wing is one of three units in the Air Force Reserve Command selected for a tailored training and participation beta test, which means creating and conducting a revamped Unit Training Assembly scheduled for fiscal year 2022.The other two units selected are the 315th Airlift Wing, Joint Base