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  • Hurricane Hunters weather winter out west for atmospheric rivers

    The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron “Hurricane Hunters” have temporarily traded the mild climate of their home station, Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, for chilly Reno, Nevada 1,800 miles away, in order to support atmospheric river reconnaissance in conjunction with the National Oceanic

  • CARCAH key to coordination, storm support

    Coordination—it is the key to any successful organization or event; and, when that event happens to be a hurricane, which requires aerial reconnaissance to gather life-saving weather data for forecasts—it’s imperative.In order for the Hurricane Hunters, whether that’s the Air Force Reserve’s 53rd

  • Hurricane Hunters fly Atmospheric Rivers

    The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, commonly known as the Hurricane Hunters, are the cornerstone for data gathering efforts within storm environments. When they’re not flying into hurricanes they are providing aerial weather reconnaissance for atmospheric rivers over the Pacific Ocean.

  • NOAA, NHC visit 53rd WRS Hurricane Hunters

    From the outside looking in, hurricane forecasts seem fairly simplistic. On any given local weather station, they show either a spaghetti model or a more conical shaped model predicting a storm’s path and intensity. There might be a high or low pressure system animated into the graphic as well

  • Hurricane Hunters takeoff for investigative mission

    The Air Force Reserve’s 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, aka Hurricane Hunters, took off today to fly an investigative mission out of Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. The low level investigative mission is when the WC-130J Super Hercules aircrew flies between 500 and

  • No off season: Hurricane Hunters fly winter storms too

    The United States Air Force Reserve 403rd Wing’s 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, more affectionately known as the Hurricane Hunters, is most well-known for doing the unfathomable—flying at 10,000 feet, sometimes less, through major tropical systems, storms and hurricanes to collect useful

  • Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunters close out active 2018 hurricane season

    The 2018 hurricane season ended Nov. 30, and was an active one for the Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunters, who flew more than 655 hours and 83 missions into 12 named storms over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, assigned to the U.S. Air Force Reserve’s 403rd

  • Prepare now for hurricane season

    Hurricane season starts June 1 and now is the time to prepare. To promote this message, an Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter aircrew with their WC-130J Super Hercules and a team of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration hurricane experts visited five Gulf Coast cities as part of this