Hurricane Hunters takeoff for investigative mission

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Christopher Carranza
  • 403rd Wing Public Affairs

The Air Force Reserve’s 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, aka Hurricane Hunters, took off today to fly an investigative mission out of Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. The low level investigative mission is when the WC-130J Super Hercules aircrew flies between 500 and 1500 feet above the surface of the ocean to collect data that will help the National Hurricane Center determine whether potential to develop into a tropical system. If the system does develop, there will be follow on flights every six hours to monitor the progress of the tropical system. 


To keep up with the Hurricane Hunters mission, check out the plan of the dayfollow missions on Google Earth or visit the National Hurricane Center. For more Hurricane Hunters and 403rd Wing updates follow us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.