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  • Hurricane Hunters prepared for hurricane season takeoff

    The 403rd Wing’s 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron based out of Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, is the only Department of Defense organization that flies weather reconnaissance missions.The Hurricane Hunters’--as they are more commonly referred to—mission, as it relates to tropical

  • 403rd Wing weathers record storm season

    The 2020 Atlantic and Pacific hurricane seasons, at least technically, came to an end Nov. 30, and what a season it was.  The Atlantic side saw many records broken throughout the season, including dethroning 2005 and its 28 named storms as the busiest season on record with 30 named storms. In

  • 53rd WRS Hurricane Hunters depart for St. Croix

    The Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunters, a 403rd Wing unit at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, departed today for St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, to start flying reconnaissance into Tropical Storm Paulette. The Hurricane Hunters provide weather data from the storm to improve National Hurricane

  • NOAA, NHC visit 53rd WRS Hurricane Hunters

    From the outside looking in, hurricane forecasts seem fairly simplistic. On any given local weather station, they show either a spaghetti model or a more conical shaped model predicting a storm’s path and intensity. There might be a high or low pressure system animated into the graphic as well

  • Prepare now for hurricane season

    Hurricane season starts June 1 and now is the time to prepare. To promote this message, an Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter aircrew with their WC-130J Super Hercules and a team of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration hurricane experts visited five Gulf Coast cities as part of this