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  • Readiness…Left of the phone call

    I was a first lieutenant at the time, a KC-10 aircraft commander and an Air Reserve Technician.  I was on my way to work on what was an absolutely gorgeous morning.  I had the sunroof open and rock music blaring (sadly songs only found on classic rock stations now), and I had not a care in the

  • Commander's Corner: Practicing resilience

     “We’re talkin’ about practice, man!” – Allen “The Answer” IversonI’ve talked many times about the challenges we’re going through and how important it is for us to continue improving our resiliency. This month, while still working through the COVID-19 pandemic and dealing with financial challenges,

  • Airman empowerment

    403rd Wing,I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to take command of the 403rd Wing, and my family is right there with me in that excitement! This wing is our extended family and it brings me so much joy that my primary duty is to care for its members.At the ceremony in June, I said that every time you

  • Mental Health Awareness Month: Helping resources

    Wing of Choice,I hope everyone had a great May Unit Training Assembly and enjoyed the time back together. It almost felt like normal.Since May is Mental Health Awareness month, I wanted to push out some of the many resources available to you all as part of the 403rd Wing and military community.You

  • Command Chief bids wing farewell

    For those participating in person this weekend, it’s been a while, and it will be nice seeing your faces again even if you are masked up! Welcome back; but sadly, goodbye as well. This will be my last Unit Training Assembly as the 403rd Wing Command Chief. As always, change happens. For those who

  • Be mindful

    As we begin to make strides to return to “normal” functioning we want to keep in mind current events that are going on around the world as they relate to COVID-19, race relations, and the sensitive but important topic of equality and justice.

  • Coping with COVID, getting mission accomplished

     I can’t begin to tell you how impressive your performance has been despite all of the COVID challenges. But don’t take my word for it – Lt. Gen. Richard W. Scobee, commander, Air Force Reserve Command, called me personally to congratulate you on your efforts to mobilize aeromedical evacuation

  • Communicating across the generations

    When I enlisted in to the Air Force a number of decades ago, things were different, not necessarily better or worse than they are today, just different. My generation and the one before were not exposed to computers until we were out of high school and college. The generations that followed grew up

  • COVID-19: Supportive resources for wing members, families

    For many people this is a time of uncertainty and isolation. For those who may need assistance, there are several resources and individuals available to help you and your family during this time. I have included the 403rd Wing Resource Chart for you to reference which services are able to assist

  • Wing priorities: readiness, innovation, capability

    I hope all of you had a chance to enjoy the holidays and recharge your batteries for what will be an exciting, busy, and challenging 2020!Your leadership ended 2019 by holding a strategic planning event to look at tweaking our MVPs (mission statement, vision, and priorities). Our mission statement –