Commentary Search

  • Airman empowerment

    403rd Wing,I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to take command of the 403rd Wing, and my family is right there with me in that excitement! This wing is our extended family and it brings me so much joy that my primary duty is to care for its members.At the ceremony in June, I said that every time you

  • Communicating across the generations

    When I enlisted in to the Air Force a number of decades ago, things were different, not necessarily better or worse than they are today, just different. My generation and the one before were not exposed to computers until we were out of high school and college. The generations that followed grew up

  • Have a G.R.E.A.T holiday season

    What is your favorite holiday tradition? What is your picture perfect holiday scene you try to create every holiday season? Close your eyes for a moment, and visualize what it looks and feels like to experience that perfect holiday moment … and please ignore ‘cousin Eddie,’ from the “National

  • An Airman's journey: The longest year

    Traditionally … and scientifically … and all of the adverbs … a year consists of 365 days, but in the case of my operational Air Force career, I would say my first year took approximately 1,500 days to complete.It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. Most importantly, it was the most

  • Transparent leadership: An old concept for modern times

    Col. Sean P. Larkin, the commander of the National Air and Space Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, discusses the need for transparent leadership and what leading by example can accomplish.