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  • Hurricane Hunters fly Beryl

    The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, a component of the Air Force Reserve’s 403rd Wing at Keesler Air Force Base, has been working around the clock flying data gathering missions into Hurricane Beryl, the first major hurricane of what’s predicted to be a very active season.

  • Winter operations begin for 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron

    Before the hurricane season had even ended, the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron experienced their first taste of winter operations.While they’re known for their mission supporting the National Hurricane Operations Plan which involves flying into – not around, not over – severe tropical systems

  • Hurricane Hunters fly Franklin, Idalia

    After Tropical Storm Hilary made landfall Aug. 20 on the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico, the Air Force Reserve 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron’s hurricane hunters began flying storms in both the Atlantic and the Caribbean.

  • Gulf Coast Hurricane Awareness Tour 2023

    The Hurricane Awareness Tour for 2023 returned to the Gulf Coast region during National Hurricane Preparedness Week.The HAT and National Hurricane Preparedness Week is important for getting information out to the public in order to gain preparedness tips and learn what to do to before storms happen.

  • Caribbean Hurricane Awareness Tour 2023

    The 403rd Wing’s 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron recently completed the Caribbean Hurricane Awareness Tour, in which the public had the opportunity to learn about the aerial weather reconnaissance mission and the importance of being prepared for the upcoming hurricane season.“The main goal of

  • SERE specialist ensures survival, recovery for 403rd reservists

    The Air Force Reserve’s 403rd Wing boasts a diverse mission-set, some of which are considered “at risk of isolation.” In order to be considered fully qualified, Reserve Citizen Airmen performing at-risk missions are required to complete the challenging Initial Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape