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  • Additional VHF antenna enhances communication to improve forecasts

    Hurricane season starts June 1 and the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron’s role in collecting weather data is key for forecasts. To enhance their communication capabilities, the United States Air Force Reserve completed the successful temporary installation and test of a third Very High

  • Caribbean outreach mission promotes hurricane preparedness

    Hurricane season starts June 1 and to help communities prepare, the Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunters and a team of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasters visited four Caribbean locations April 16-20 as part of the annual Caribbean Hurricane Awareness Tour.

  • Reserve Citizen Airman takes home First Sergeant Academy Commandant Award

    Master Sgt. Dishau JeanJacques, the new first sergeant for the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron at Keesler Air Force Base, not only attended the First Sergeant Academy at Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base, Ala., Feb. 25 to March 22, but excelled, earning the prestigious First Sergeant Commandant

  • Hurricane Hunters depart to fly Hilary reconnaissance

    The Air Force Reserve “Hurricane Hunters,” assigned to the 403rd Wing at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, departed today to fly weather reconnaissance missions into Hurricane Hilary to collect weather data that improves National Hurricane Center forecasts.

  • 2022: 403rd Wing Year in Review

    Training, exercises and deployments were common themes in 2022, all in efforts to ensure 403rd Wing Reserve Citizen Airmen were Ready Now.“The men and women of this wing have done an outstanding job preparing for and in the execution of our mission,” said Col. Stuart M. Rubio, 403rd Wing commander.

  • Hurricane Season wraps up, 53rd WRS shifts focus

    The 2022 Atlantic and Pacific hurricane seasons came to an official end Nov. 30, marking another destructive season of tropical weather for the continental United States’ Gulf Coast and eastern seaboard and Puerto Rico. The season also marked another busy season for the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance