
Rally in the Pacific 2023

U.S. Air Force Reserve members from Security Forces and Medical fields work together during a night time field training event involving securing a landing zone, locating, treating and triaging the patients, and then loading the 'patients' into an U.S. Army HH60-M Black Hawk medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) helicopter during the 22nd Air Force's Rally in the Pacific exercise, Sept. 18. RITP23 was designed to test the abilities of Air Force Reserve units to execute rapid global mobility missions in challenging, contested scenarios, while dispersed across the Indo-Pacific region and various drop zones simulating diverse operating locations to conduct all-domain operations against a near-peer adversary. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Master Sgt. Jessica Kendziorek)

VIRIN: 230918-F-WF462-2053.JPG
Photo by: Senior Master Sgt. Jessica Kendziorek

Photo Details

Resolution: 4000x2252
Size: 1.87 MB