
Hurricane Hunters, U.S. Naval Academy team up for research during 'Cristobal'

U.S. Navy Ensign Zach Cornelius, U.S. Naval Academy Training and Research in Oceanic and Atmospheric Processes in Tropical Cyclones internship program, collects data from an Airborne/Air Expendable Bathythermograph, or AXBT, deepwater bouy. The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron dropped several bouys during a 96L, now Hurricane Cristobal, invest mission over the Caribbean Aug. 23, 2014. The bouys were launched out of a tube in the back of the WC-130J. The bouys radio back information about ocean surface temperatures. The 53rd WRS and TROPIC research team have worked together for four years on this research project designed to assist the National Hurricane Center increase the accurace of hurricane forecasts by incorporating ocean data. (U.S. Air Force photo/Maj. Marnee A.C. Losurdo)

VIRIN: 140823-F-IL418-002.JPG
Photo by: Unknown

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