
Tools of the Trade

They have the tools, and they have the talent. Senior Airman Erik Waters, 403rd Avionics Flight instruments/flight control systems specialist, searches through his flightline tool kit for a screwdriver to open and inspect the color multi-function display unit (CMFD). This unit acts as a "window into the aircraft," providing situational awareness for the flight crews on the C-130J models. Airman Waters has been on active duty orders at Kessler Air Force base since July as a part of the Avionics Flight Seasonal Training Program. This program offers a year's worth of hands-on experience to avionics tech. school graduates, providing them with an excellent opportunity to become more familiar with the work they perform on the C-130Js.

VIRIN: 090922-F-4512L-0060.JPG
Photo by: Unknown

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