Chief’s Chat: Maintaining focus

  • Published
  • By Chief Master Sgt. Andy Hart
  • 41st Aerial Port Squadron

The inauguration has passed, our new president is in the White House, and the pace of Air Force Reserve operations con­tinues at a record tempo. As we await the signing of the continuing resolution and finalization of a budget, the 403rd Wing’s mission continues. Please stay focused.


In the future there will be numerous distractions and change is coming. How­ever, I believe that the Air Force, the Air Force Reserve and our direct leadership have taken steps to keep us resilient to changes and poised to react. If under pressure, always take the legal, moral and ethical path. Use common sense and work safely. Support each other and let our core values guide you through any and all challenges.


Due to the January unit training as­sembly cancellation, February will be a six-period UTA (Friday through Sunday), with Friday focused on Fit 2 Fight testing. The wing’s goal is to have all our member current in the fitness arena by the end of the February UTA. Those of you who are overdue because of the January UTA or were overdue already, I hope you utilized the additional time wisely and are ready to give it your all. Saturday’s focus will be individual mobilization readi­ness, so please ensure everyone makes it to their scheduled appointments. By the end of this UTA, the 403rd Wing should be a model that other wings can follow.


Take a moment this UTA to think of the family and friends who were impacted by the weather that hit Mississippi and the surrounding states. If you supervise or are aware of anyone within the wing who could use a helping hand, make it known to leadership. We are all family in the military, and we help one an­other but we don’t always know who could use that helping hand.

Lastly, let’s continue to work together, be effective and be a positive influence on those we mentor or those who mentor us.