KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. -- The 403rd Wing is seeking applicants for three Unit Training Manager opportunities for traditional reservists.
“These are critical positions that work with the commander’s key staff and leaders,” said Senior Master Sgt. Brett Blanchard, Force Development flight chief for the 403rd Force Support Squadron. “Training is important because it’s directly tied into readiness. Our Airmen need to be ready and trained. As UTMs, we need to be able to show their training records are complete.”
Unit Training Manager responsibilities are a broad range of the development, administration, and management of work center on the job training programs for the 403rd Wing. They are tasked with administrative oversight of the Career Development Course program. They are assigned in support, operations, and maintenance training functions, and interpret a variety of training reports and training tracking systems, as well as teaching the Air Force Training Course.
Master Sgt. Meagan Mason of the 403rd Maintenance Group, said she saw becoming a UTM as an opportunity for her to learn and grow personally and professionally.
"I was interested in the UTM position because I knew my role would be instrumental in the unit. As a UTM you will know everyone in your squadron and be a vital part of their training progression,” Mason said.
There are currently two 403rd Wing UTM opportunities available for traditional reservists with another set to open up in late April, all withIN the 403rd FSS. UTM applicants should be at the E-5 or E-6 rank, have four or more years until they reach high year tenure, and confirm the support of their supervisor and unit commander.
Applicants should also submit their three most recent enlisted performance reports that show an overall rating of five on those EPRs, as well as their current fitness report, and provide documentation of a score of 62 or higher in the general area of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery/Armed Forces Classification Test.
The newest UTM serving the 403rd Wing is Master Sgt. Kelly Andino, who said she has barely scratched the surface of her UTM role as she explained what appealed to her about the position.
“I arrived at a point in my career where I needed to refine my leadership skills, but I also wanted to become a more resourceful supervisor outside of the expertise required for my job. This opportunity has allowed me to learn more about all the steps required to vector an airman's career in the right direction,” Andino said.
Blanchard said he has been doing the job for over twenty years and still finds it rewarding. “To see somebody come in, from an Air Force technical school, learn the job and then two or three years later, they train somebody else to do that job. You can see the progress once they complete their CDCs, and once they get signed off on their tasks, they go from a crawl, to a walk, to a run,” Blanchard said.
Airmen who are interested in learning more about the current Unit Training Manager opportunities, can contact Senior Master Sgt. Blanchard by email at:
(Editor's Note: The available positions have been changed to reflect the most recent status as of 6 Feb 2023)