One Activation, Two Assumptions Result from 403rd Force Support Squadron Stand-up

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Ryan Labadens
  • 403rd Wing Public Affairs
Lt. Col. Allyson Chauvin assumed command of the 403rd Force Support Squadron, which was activated in a ceremony held here during the December Unit Training Assembly.

Before her command assumption, Colonel Chauvin served as the 403rd Mission Support Flight commander - and before that as commander of the 403rd Services Flight. The newly-formed Force Support Squadron combines both of these flights into one cohesive unit. The 403rd MSF and 403rd SVS, which fell under the 403rd Mission Support Group, were inactivated as a result of this union.

This merger is par of an Air Force-wide effort to combine mission support and services squadrons to improve the efficiency and quality of customer service, manpower and personnel functions.

"This helps us streamline the leadership structure while still providing the same benefits to our personnel. We want to amke sure this is transparent to our customers," said Colonel Chauvin. In this way, the FSS will continue to ensure that wing personnel and their families are properly supported.

In a speech during the 403rd FSS activation ceremony, Lt. Col. Marshall Irvin, 403rd Mission Support Group commander, cited Colonel Chauvin's experience and talent among his reasons for selecting her as the 403rd FSS commander.

"It is imperative that we have the right person for the right job, and she is the right person for this job," said Colonel Irvin. "She will take the FSS and move it to the next level."

In another ceremony held later that day, the last commander of the 403rd SVS, Lt. Col. Edward Segura, assumed command of the 403rd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. In addition, his wife, Misti, and their three children took part in pinning on the rank of the newly-promoted lieutenant colonel.

Colonel Irvin, who commanded Colonels Segura and Chauvin, said, "I happen to be blessed to be in a group where all my commanders have the right attitude, the right intellect and the right drive. Of those commanders, one that stands out particularly is (Colonel) Segura."

Col. Kerry Kohler, 403rd Maintenance Group commander, concurred with Colonel Irvin's assessment of the new 403rd AMXS commander.

"Why would we want to lose a man of such great talent and drive? He has great enthusiasm," said Colonel Kohler as he addressed the Citizen Airmen at the 403rd AMXS assumption of command ceremony. "You are getting a good commander."

Speaking to the 403rd AMXS members, Colonel Segura emphasized his willingness to learn from them and to meet the needs of his squadron's people. "You are what I'm here for. I will do my best to be straightforward with you, and to be the best commander and can be for you."