KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. -- Life can be great, but sometimes it’s not. People go through points in their lives where it can feel downright messy. Work demands, relationship conflicts, financial issues, and the loss of a loved one are just a few stressors people experience throughout this journey called life.
During these dark times, people may need to talk to someone to get the help they need. This is where Nicole Mayzner, 403rd Wing director of psychological health, can assist Reserve Citizen Airmen and their families by providing counseling and referral services to help with resilience and psychological wellness.
Mayzner, one of 29 DPHs in the Air Force Reserve Command, has been at the wing since 2017. AFRC added these positions as part of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, which called for licensed mental health professionals at wings. She is a licensed clinical social worker with a master’s degree in social work, who came to the wing with 10 years of experience working with military and veteran populations to include serving as embedded psychological health clinician for the U.S. Navy Expeditionary Combat Command.
“Working with military has been my passion that began to take shape my freshman year of college. So, the opportunity to work with Airmen and their families and help support this wing is something for which I am truly grateful,” she said. “When people are in their worst moments … it’s an honor to have them trust you with their darkest stuff. It’s rewarding to help them with what they are going through and try to make things better for them.”
As the wing’s DPH, she offers off-record counseling services to wing members and their dependents to include individual and couples counseling, conflict resolution, resiliency building, crisis interventions, and command advisement on psychological wellness. She also offers leadership or peer consultation related to helping someone find resources or mental health assistance. She also connects Reserve Citizen Airmen with helping resources and professionals in their local areas.
“It can be a challenge when working with reservists due to the fact they are only here two days a month, and many of our members live in different states so the resources that are available vary,” Mayzner said. “I work with the member to ensure they get the assistance they need.”
She is also involved with 403rd Wing pre-deployment and deployment activities to include attending Yellow Ribbon program events designed to help Airmen and their families prepare for all the phases of a deployment and the associated stressors.
“Reservists are unique in the fact they are balancing their military and civilian jobs in addition to their family responsibilities, so programs such as Yellow Ribbon are a great resource for Reserve Airmen and their families before and after a deployment,” she said.
Another way Mayzner helps wing members is by being a member of the Keesler Air Force Base Community Action Team and AFRC Community Action Information Board. Both agencies seek to improve the quality of life for Air Force members and their families by linking up with various helping agencies such as the medical group, chaplain, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Coordinator, Airman and Family Readiness Centers and other agencies to strengthen readiness and help manage the demands of military life.
Whether it is to offer counseling services to wing members or to advise leadership on issues related to wellness and resiliency, Mayzner is only a phone call away and welcomes office visits.
“No issue is too small or too big to reach out to me for support,” she said. “When people seek support on minor life stressors or issues, we are able to work preventively together before things escalate and begin impacting other parts of their life, such as relationships or work. There is no shame in seeking help or guidance; it is the same thing as going to get medical help when you have a stomach bug and the medication you have on hand is not helping to address the symptoms.”
Mayzner is able to meet with members during the Unit Training Assembly, work week, and can meet at alternative times and locations to fit into their schedules. Services are free and confidential with few exceptions related to imminent danger to self, others, or mission as directed by the Air Force and state law. For more information, call or text her on her cell at 228-806-0913 or call office number 228-377-5361.
Other helping resources:
- Military OneSource: 1-800-342-9647; Outside U.S.: (country access code) 800-3429-6477. Online support:
- Chaplain: (228)377-0400
- Military Family Life Counselor: (228)355-2980 or (228)355-2065
- Airmen & Family Readiness Center (228)376-8728; 1 (866)301-9436
- Psychological Health Advocacy and South Region: (678)655-2464; Cell: (470) 428-0635
- FOCUS—Families Overcoming Under Stress: (228) 377-3453
- Yellow Ribbon: (228) 365-1400
- AF Employee Assistance Program/Worklife4You: 800-222-0364; TTY: 888-262-7848;; Registration code: USAF
- Veteran Crisis Line: 1(800) 273-8255; military press 1
- DoD Safe Helpline: (877) 995-5247
- DoD Be There Peer Support and Call Outreach: 844-357-PEER (7337), text (480)360-6188, or online
- Local VA Medical Centers
- Vet Centers : (877) WAR-VETS (877-927-8387)