
Spreading the word

Master Sgt. Joseph Latham, 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron loadmaster, demonstrates the use of a dropsonde to Zach Seal, nephew of Barb DeBlasi, 81st Training Wing digital media artist. Ms. Deblasi and her nephew Zach learned about the Air Force Reserve's "Hurricane Hunter" mission while aboard a 403rd Wing static display of a WC-130J "Hurricane Hunter" at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss. during an airshow. More than 160,000 people attended the biannual event here March 19-20. The dropsonde is a vital piece of equipment used in the 53rd WRS Hurricane Hunter mission.

VIRIN: 110320-F-BB146-002.JPG
Photo by: Unknown

Photo Details

Resolution: 3744x3666
Size: 4 MB